Item donations are always appreciated! We are frequently in need of the essentials such as food, blankets, shavings, cat litter and more. Check out our list below for more info. All of these items can be dropped at our Chicopee location by contacting our volunteers (413) 612-2744.
There are several different ways you can help us. We are always looking for donations of goods and money to help these pets in need.
You can donate directly to our general fund or to a specific pet via check. You can mail a check or money order made out to:
Rainbow Rescues Inc
PO Box 1179
Easthampton, Ma 01027
You can also donate directly to us at any time by selecting the DONATE button. The donate button will allow you to donate directly to our PAYPAL operating account. Please note you DO NOT need a paypal account to donate through the DONATE button. Simply select the button for paying without a PAYPAL account. You can also choose to make your donation a monthly recurring amount. This is a great way to continue supporting our organization throughout the year. Your $5 a month donation will provide a vaccine for one pet a month! Your $20 donation each month will provide heartworm and flea preventative for one of our pets for the month.
You can also visit our Fundraising Page to view our pets with special needs.
Changing the World One Adoption At A Time